Off to Annapolis, Maryland for the Father's Day Invitational Lacrosse Tournament. The weather forecast is favorable and the other Coaches and I are confident that the boys will aquit themselves well. There are teams from as far away as Texas coming to this event. It proves to be a wonderful experience.
If we have time, we plan to tour the U.S. Naval Academy Museum.
Happy Father's Day to all Dads out there...
I lost my Father last July so this will be my first Fatherless Father's day....I wonder how I will react come Sunday. At least the lax games on Sunday will keep my mind off of it and I will be with my son who is my Father's namesake. In a future post I will recount my Dad's story...he was an amazing man.
Being a lax father, do you intend to send your son to public school for his high school education, or send him to a prep school? Being a product of the latter, I have only good things to say about attending prep school for high school.
Love the blog
I'm sorry that you lost your father.
I do hope you had a great time at the tournament. I bet the museum was amazing.
Love the old LAX pix. Was at the Tourney in Annapolis Sat. Played at Magothy. Hot as a you-know-what. Our Ft. Hunt VA 9 and under boys won 2 and lost 1. Not bad. Love the peeks into Main Line life... Grew up off Valley Forge Rd. near the Devon Horse Show.
Yes Fly...it was hot..and dusty too...the fields were pretty lame. The Tourney was well run though...and the boys had a great time. Our whole Ashbee leaugue had a Crab and Barbecue feast out at Sandy Point on the Chesapeake Saturday night and that was a blast. We'll probably go again next year.
Enthusiast: My son will go to the same Public High School that I went to. Great school in a top notch district...and a completely brand new facility. Excellent lax program and excellent college placement...not that I do not believe in Prep School...just not necessary when the local school is so good.
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