Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Godfather Question

I am a huge fan of the the movie " The Godfather" and have seen it countless times. I have also read the book several times. During the last time I watched the movie I had a serious revelation about the content and plot in the opening wedding scene. Specifically: Why was Michael not at the Wedding Ceremony? Michael shows up after the reception is well under way and it is clear from the reaction of Tom and Fredo that they are seeing him for the first time in a while. Also, he is not in a formal military kit but regular uniform. Hence, it is obvious that Michael was not at his Sister's marriage ceremony but only showed up for the reception
This absence seems extremely odd given the cohesive nature of "the family" which is a core theme of the movie and just really puzzles and perturbs me. No one has offered a compelling explanation. Did Coppola have a reason for this cinematic construct or is it just a mistake?


Anonymous said...

Just came across your blog and am reading the archives... I don't know if you'll see this but at any rate... I know exactly what you're talking about. I have a Godfather marathon every winter, usually on a Sunday afternoon after bird and duck season is over but it's still dark, wet and miserable here in Seattle. So, to answer your question: I always simply assumed Michael had just travelled back and was late for the ceremony itself and turned up at the reception because that's when he could get there. You are absolutely right, based on his uniform it was clear he was not at the wedding ceremony. The Marine uniform he sported was the travel uniform of the era, though... don't know. It's interesting in the fact that he's described as a 'war hero' etc and one would think if he could make it at all he could have been there a couple hours earlier and attended. Interesting, also, in light of his own wedding ceremony, the baptism ceremony with the overplay of executions, and then the Godawful Catholic overtones of III. Fun blog, keep up the good work.

--Murph. (PS--I tried to read the first book for the first time a few months ago. Francis Ford is clearly a genius to mine that movie out of that book....)

Greg Prosmushkin said...

Thanks for sharing this wonderful post with us. Even if you see the movie many times. There is always a question that you will have to think about. Have a great rest of your day and keep up the posts.
Greg Prosmushkin