The reputation of a University besmirched. The legacy of Coach Paterno tarnished and sullied beyond comprehension. The lives of numerous abused young men devastated. A trial that was followed nationwide. Sexual predation, arrogance, and cover-ups to protect a football team.. This has been a horrific constellation of circumstances. Tonite a jury of Sandusky's peers has found him guilty of 45 of 48 counts of criminal sexual conduct.
Good luck in prison Jerry....you deviant and reprehensible pederast. You were a football coach and traded on that position to satisfy your abhorrent sexual appetites. A supposed "father figure" to disenfranchised young boys....you were and are in truth a repugnant sodomite. Now you will experience a different position in sport. You will be a "catcher." You will likely feel the horror and psychological injury of being sexually abused in prison. However, you may somehow be spared that trauma if you receive a "shiv" in the sternum from a fellow inmate.Pedophiles typically do not have an easy time of it in the Joint. You should have spared your family and your victims months ago and put a revolver in your mouth and delivered a bullet through your palate and into your twisted brain.

Shiv-magnet to be sure. My only fear is that he offs himself before he gets yard-justice.
Finally, justice for the victims. There's a special place in hell waiting for Sandusky and he's about to experience a bit of it on earth.
... and the school KNEW!
"... and the school KNEW!"
Yes, and probably knew more than we can even imagine.
My former father-in-law was PR man with the Penn State Athletic Department for years, oh the biased stories, oh the hatred for Title IX, the almighty patriarchy and "godhead" of Joe Emeritus, the complicit banding together in the coverup, it makes me ill to look back on it and remember in light of what we've learned this last month.
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