My Lacrosse coaching days are over for now. But when one of the guys I used to coach with posted this on FB...I had to post it here. As a former volunteer coach, I wish this sign was emblazoned on the gate of every field upon which our kids play competitive sports. This sign offers excellent directives that are well stated.
Great sign. I will pass it on to a few coaching buddies.
How about "If you weren't at practice Monday, Tues, Wed, and Thurs... SHUT UP!"
As a high school baseball coach, I second your motion. As the commercial, "I'm going Pro in something other than my sport."
Steve in Central CA
Well is it as bad as the PTA where self serving "volunteers" involve themselves to the point that teachers kowtow to their time and money influences . The coaches may volunteer but do they know what they are doing? J. Carter
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