This program is certainly on the upswing. The Lehigh lacrosse team is off to a 7-1 start. In compiling this record they have beaten UNC,Army, Penn and Yale. This is a team reaching new levels of respectability. The partnership represented by this Logo allows alumni such as myself an opportunity to make donations that are specifically targeted to a program....not just deposited in a general students fund....you know, the fund from which Dean Wormer arranged an "honorarium" for Carmine, the mayor who didn't want:"No drunken riots in my town."
The team is now ranked #10 in the Inside Lacrosse D-1 poll....damn impressive. Riding on the upset of Duke, we Lehigh faithful would love to see some Lax success in the big NCAA Lacrosse tournament this May.
Great news about Leigh LAX. Sorry about the loss to Xavier, but you can still savor that Duke win. I have a friend whose husband went to law school at Duke. I sent her an email to tell him I said "hi," LEHIGH, that is. :)
Thanks to a couple of Long Island boys and Coaches.
hawkeye...Plenty of South East PA/Main Line kids on this team...Conestoga, Radnor,Penn Charter,Episcopal and Lasalle....so I tend to disagree that it is LI influence. Indeed Haverford School was the best High School team in the Nation last year and Conestoga was 4th....this area is now THE hotbed of lax.
Check your coach's bio.
4 of th 5 coaches are long Islanders.
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