The landing gear screeched down at about 1:20 A.M. Monday morning and I was home. It was a great trip. The thing about Telluride is the trip...hard to get to. I flew into Grand Junction Colorado Thursday night and met Glenn. We had a few beers, hit the racks early and set out for the 2 1/2 hour jaunt through high desert and into the San Juan range early Friday.The drive through the mountains and uphill has so many breathtaking views you could wear out your digital device and your digits.
We arrived at elev. 8750 on Main st. in Telluride and checked into the New Sheridan Hotel. This old joint has had a full makeover and restoration and is a luxury space in this old mining town turned hip ski mecca.
My friend Wight (featured in prior posts) has had a house in Telluride for 15 years. It was his 50th birthday weekend and Lehigh boys from around the country were converging to help him celebrate.
Wight and his lovely wife(also a Lehigh grad) did this thing right...hit the ball right over the fence. Friday evening they had reserved a Thai restaurant in town for cocktails and dinner. The food at Honga's Lotus Petal was fabulous and dining with Wight's wife,dad and sisters and a few of the boys was wonderful. We then returned to the historic "old West" bar at the Sheridan. This saloon is like a movie set...you expect to hear spurs jangling and Colt revolver's being cocked. All that got cocked was the Lehigh crew....boozing at 8750 feet in altitude is an interesting scenario.
Saturday was huevos rancheros and skiing. The weather was sunny and 60...unbelievable.
The highlight of the birthday bash was Saturday evening. Wight and his wife rented out the historic Sheridan Opera House and booked Donovan Frankenreiter for the gig. Donovan is friends with Jack Johnson and another "surf rock" mellow musician and damn good in his own right. He and Wight have been tight for several years as well.
This party was a blast...featuring the Lehigh boys being invited on stage by Donovan to lend a voice to an Allmman Brother's cover: "Can't You See." I wish/hope /fear there is video of this facet of the night. Midway thru the party, being fueled by Mount Gay Rum,and being the guy who makes his living public speaking in Court, I took the microphone and gave a birthday toast to my friend of 30+ years...recounting some semi-off color anecdotes from college and paying tribute to the stalwart friend and man that Wight is.
Anticipating our condition, Glenn and I had booked late flights out of Grand Junction on Sunday so we had a chance to hang at Wight's house and watch some basketball and golf and visit with his family in a more subdued setting before our 2 P.M. departure.
A great weekend and memorable.... as a bonus,both Glenn and Wight are coming to Philly this weekend to go see my heavyweight Joey Cusumano in his 3rd pro fight on Saturday.
Sounds like you had a blast. I always get nose bleeds in CO.
That high and dry atmosphere made my snout spout once....until I discvered the humidifier in the closet of my hotel room.
When are we convening again?
Sounds like a great celebration. Had many of my own back in my ski racing days and boozing at 8000' is quite a ride!
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