Tomorrow night the heavyweight boxer I manage, Joey Cusumano, will enter the ring for his 3rd professional fight.The boys and I are taking a Limo up to Hamilton,New Jersey for the bout...and will remain at the venue to enjoy the rest of the card.
This week has been a whirlwind of details. First, there was a glitch in the medical clearance with the NJ Boxing commission. It seems Joey's eye exam for the pre-fight teat was never received.Each fighter undergoes a full battery of pre-fight medical to make sure they are fit and sound for the ring. I had to track down the report at Mercy Hospital in Philly and have it faxed to Jersey. Then, there was the issue of the NJ boxing and cornerman licenses. This had to be handled...along with some hotel details for the opponent and his manager. I also had to continue to peddle tickets for this fight to sell the package of same which I received from the Promoter. Then I had to make sure Joey allowed enough travel time to arrive at the official Weigh In by 3:30 today. Actually, a weigh in is not a big issue with Heavyweights. Nevertheless, he needs to be there and on time.
So, this boxing management gig has advantages and it can also be time consuming and frustrating.It is not all cigars,Champagne and tuxedos in Vegas. At this stage is is more like tap-beer and T-shirts in Jersey City. Once these details are squared away...it is up to Joey to lace up his gloves and get busy. he has trained hard and well and we hope for a good result. His opponent, Lonnie Kornegay is a big tough kid who will come out banging. As long as Joey keeps sticking the big jab in Lonnie's face, and sets up the punishing right hand...things should go our way.
In the picture above, Don Elbaum is with Joey. He is the kid's "Adviser" and a boxing legend in his own right. I will likely do a post on him in the future...but Google his name and you will find some interesting reading.