Often during my rambling on this Blog I refer to the duck hunting club.On Saturday we were down at the Club doing some routine post season maintanence and cleaning. One of my guys had a new I-Phone and took some pictures that are of better quality than anything I had stored on my Blackberry or my desktop. I decided to post a few to afford readers, the few that there are, a glimpse inside our Clubhouse. The house was built in 1749 and we enjoy use of same as part of our lease of the farm...all 800 acres. As you can see, we are not roughing it either before or after hunting. We have a well appointed living room that features a big screen HD T.V. for watching sports and hunting channels. The World Series usually falls around the opening of early duck season in October and Sunday night football before Monday opening in December is also a big draw.
We also have a pool table in the foyer/billiard room. Many a heated and heavily wagered game takes place on this table amongst the members. Beers and cocktails are consumed and trick shots are attempted. It is not a fancy table...rather a bar-table I scored from a friend who handles games and pool tables for bars. He got it from a closed down saloon in Philly and let us have it for a very reasonable price and had it delivered to us.
We also have a trophy/bar/poker room but I could not scare up any decent photos of same....another post for that.
Now that waterfowl season is over the Clubhouse will be buttoned up and sparsely used until Spring when we start training the dogs and doing some fishing and crabbing.
Open envy. Sheer, bloody envy.
Only one word. SWEET.
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