Last week my wife and I were at a meeting of the Radnor Hunt Race Committee. During the meeting, the Director of Racing provided the attached sheets which list the date and purses for each Steeplechase race meet this Spring. The Spring season runs between April and late May. Generally, Steeplechase meets are arranged as a fund raising event and the proceeds benefit a local charity.
For example, the Radnor Hunt races in May benefit the Brandywine Conservancy...an organization that preserves open space through purchase and development restriction. This group has preserved thousands and thousands of acres in Southern Chester County as open space and farmland....one of the few ways we can curb the scourge of "sprawl."
I would encourage readers to check this schedule and pick a race date. You can go to the website of the National Steeplechase Association to find websites and details for specific races including ticket and subscription prices and directions. You are sure to have an enjoyable day in the country and the tailgating and wagering is always spirited. The fact that you are contributing to a good cause is simply a bonus.