These images are decidedly absent from our Waterfowl Club so far this season. The lack of snow covering northern field and warm tempatures keeping northern ponds and lakes from freezing...all contribute to a sparse migration of ducks and geese.When the birds have open water to rest in and open fields in which to feed they just do not have to fly south.
By this time in the season I have usually killed and cooked about 10 or 12 geese and had some decent shots at Mallards or Black ducks. The birds are just not here. We are hoping that the recent snow and cold in New England and upstate New York will improve the hunting for these last 2 weeks of the season. My son has off from school tomorrow so we are going down tonite to meet some of the guys for dinner, football,poker and a Monday A.M. hunt.We are hopeful....and as my Grandfather used to say: " You can't shoot 'em from your living room."
Good luck I hope you find some fat late season waterfowl!
It has been sparse here on the Eastern Shore and I am hoping the recent cold spell will drive some down. Good luck tomorrow...Phil
Good luck tomorrow. We have been in a similar situation here in the Northwest, though we are finally supposed to be getting hammered this week with cold and precip.
Glad it's not just us. We're not having any problems seeing geese, but they're all in large groups and well off the ground. The low-flying pairs and trios that we like to pick on have been virtually non-existant.
On an aside from that, I was thrilled to have a large group of snows fly over while we were bunny hunting upstate this weekend. Brought back fond memories of when we used to deer hunt on the Eastern Shore.
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