One of my former clients forwarded this picture. This impressive buck was harvested on Gary's land in Kentucky. Gary is a Pipeline Welder and I represented him in some litigation a few years back. We were victorious and Gary used some of the proceeds of the suit to buy some top notch hunting land in the Appalachians. He routinely takes big bucks from these woods and has invited me out to hunt whenver I want. Unfortunately I have been unable to make the time for this excursion to date....but seeing a set of antlers like this gets me in the mood to make plans. Buck Season is just a tad over a month away here in PA and in the meantime duck season opens Friday. So there are plenty of chances to shoot over the next few weeks and I could not be more excited.
Good hunting.
I'm not an animal rights activist, and I'm not baiting you, but do you eat what you kill?
I would book the flight!
Kiki-I absolutely eat what I kill. Grilled duck breast is delicious...roasted venison or goose chili...the list goes on!
Glad to read that. I saw on another blog (and you saw the same thing) that there were a few deer that another blogger had killed and mounted. I thought about asking that blogger if he also eats what he kills, but it seemed an ridiculous question considering the source.
I've tried venison and like it best ground. Duck and goose seem a bit greasy or oily. But, I do like quail.
I have posted as Anonymous on other blogs, but I finally created a profile so I wouldn't be lumped in with other anonymous posters. And, I was the one who posted below as a Marine wife.
Enjoy the hunting.
Kiki- Thanks for comments and best wishes for a safe tour for your loved one.
As to that other blogger...I seriously doubt he has hunted or bagged anything. He strikes me as a world champion poseur.
Quail is also a favorite of mine and when I get a chance to hunt them my wife and I enjoy them grilled with a sour cherry sauce or sauteed with a mustard and shallot sauce. Wild duck is not oily at all but very red and rich. Goose is great just roasted when you drop a young one....but the older ones are like drywall....so we grind 'em up and make chili or even tacos.
My husband is at home now...thankfully. He's done three deployments. They get tougher and tougher. But, it's nothing like you Vietnam veteran friend endured.
Best of luck with your hunt. I saw a buck near the highway as I was driving the other day - just prayed that he would decide against jetting out in front of me. :)
Ah, yeah, 'tucky's supposed to be outrageous. My buddy hunts there once a year and said the highways are littered with deer carcasses. Allegedly the population's so strong b/c most folk would rather shoot ducks. Um, I don't blame 'em.
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