This morning my Wife packed up the Suburban and headed South to drop my eldest daughter at College for the start of her Freshman year. I could not go for the trip due to work obligations. I am experiencing a swirl of emotions about this development that range from sad to proud and everything in between. This departure of my first child is no unique milestone and I have 2 more coming up in a few years.
Damn, it seems like only a few years ago she was climbing the steps of the school bus for 1st grade. The impact is hightened because she was away most of the Summer working as a Counselor and water skii instructor at a Y.M.C.A. camp on the Estern Shore of the Chesapeake.
On a lighter note, my 14 year old Son had sage and succinct advice for his Sister as she got in the car to leave: "Don't be dumb..."
That statement covers just about anything and it made me laugh hysterically.
Mom and I took my kid brother up to Bloomsburg yesterday... I certainly understand the mixture of emotions.
And I also told him "don't be stupid."
p.s. Less than a week!!!
Yes, the emotions of everything they do are from one extreme to the other. :-). Love your son's advice. I believe he's onto something there . . . XOXO
I don't look forward to this.
I have young kids, but even now it's amazing how fast it goes.
Big, big day. Good luck to you and yours!
Best. Advice. Ever. Your son is very funny! Best of luck to your daughter in college. And cheers to you and your wife on this big milestone and more to follow!
Congrats to your daughter! I'm sure she'll do great!
On the way home today, on both flights were kids going to college, one with just his mom, the other girl with both parents. I had a lot of sympathetic feelings for those parents today...and reading this just reinforces what a powerful privilege it is to watch kids grow up, go off to college. We done good.
Dont worry. College is when kids begin to figure out how smart their parents are.
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