For any of you fellow Sportspersons who watched the 100th Anniversary running of the Indy 500,you were probably similarly shocked by the ending. J.D. Hildebrand, a "Rookie" at Indy,was coming around the final turn and about to win the race when he got too high on the track and slammed into the wall. I could not believe what I was watching. Here is a driver about to win his first start at Indy....misjudging his speed and track position and crashing just before winning. He still managed to limp across the finish line on 3 wheels for a 2nd place.
This incident is illustrative of many of the truisms of life and sports: Yogi Berra's statement that "It ain't over 'til it's over" and other adages such as "almost doesn't count" and "don't count yer chickens...." and "haste makes waste>"
Indeed. Hildebrand had the race all but won...he only needed to throttle back and not try and pass wide. Instead, he tried to pass, lost traction, and slammed into the wall. I felt genuinely sorry for Hildebrand on Sunday afternoon.
It was tough to listen to here in Indy.
One note, it was the 100th anniversary, not the 100th running. They missed a few runnings during war years.
Thanks for the correction...I did not catch that distinction....
My friend at work drives home to Indianapolis every year to go with her mom and brother, a tradition from her childhood. Her dad always goes fishing. Living in the Midwest....women and their football, women and their race cars.
Yeah, that was such a bummer for him. Similar to the young Irishman leading the Master's and then experiencing a big breakdown close to the end.
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