Baseball season opens shortly. Here in Philadelphia,we Phillies fans are incredibly optimistic about the Season. There is talk that the Phil's pitching rotation will be the best to ever take the mound. I suppose that is an arguable point and baseball fans love to argue about such topics. Nevertheless, with Lee, Halladay,Hamels and Oswalt...opposing batsmen are facing a pitching staff that is formidable.
In anticipation of baseball season,I feature another vintage photo of my Grandfather.....this time with his Stroudsburg High 1923 Baseball team (Second row far right.) Apparently, Grandad was a damn fine pitcher and had good "stuff" as they say. He had a slider and heater, a curve and a change-up.. It was the curve that derailed his career. According to family lore some scouts had checked him out. However, too many games and too many curves really messed up his elbow resulting in an abbreviated career on the mound and the evaporation of any professional interest in his talents. He always loved the game and it was great to watch or listen to a game with him.
Thank you for sharing another wonderful photograph! xoox
I love this. I have some old photographs of my grandmother in high school in Taylor, PA and I adore them.
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