Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Barnes Follow-Up

After posting yesterday, I received this cordial communique' from Friends of the Barnes. It is always fascinating to see who is reading.

Hello, Mr. Sportsman.

My son forwarded a link to your post about your visit to The Barnes, which I found very refreshing. I just wanted to let you know that information about the on-going controversy is available on the Friends of the Barnes Foundation website http://www.barnesfriends.org . I also thought you might not be aware (because almost no one is) that The Barnes in Merion is eligible for National Historic Landmark status, but only if it remains intact – with the art collection. A PDF of an Assessment of the site commissioned by Friends of the Barnes Foundation is attached.

With kind regards,


Friends of the Barnes Foundation



  1. So does that mean it can be saved?

  2. @ James, Friends of the Barnes are committed to fighting the move however we can. We are working on a new legal challenge and asking our public officials for help to stop the spending of public funds for the project. Opposition to the plan to dismantle the Barnes Foundation hasn't let up, but grows daily, largely because of the movie "The Art of the Steal". There is a petition on the Friends' website you can sign: http://www.barnesfriends.org/files/petition.html

  3. I meant to leave my own contact information eyaari@comcast.net

  4. Confiscatory regulating. At one time, one could hope that it might go to the Supreme Court, but after Kelo vs. New London, we shouldn't be so certain. Aren't charitable foundations supposed to GIVE? Huh, Pew? They're pulling a 'Yukos' on Barnes. The best treasures are always plundered.
